Jan. 18-19 — Spokane Fellowship Weekend. Saturday services at 1:30pm followed
by potluck, game night & costume dance. Sunday activity held at Triple Play
Family Fun park in Hayden, ID with indoor water park, mini golf, bowling and
bumper cars (11am-5pm: $42/ea.). Please sign up by January 15th for the Sunday
activity by contacting Mr. Paul Moody (paul_moody@ucg.org | 509-928-0150).
Jan 25 — Spokesman’s Club. Shortly after services.
Feb. 1 — Memorial. Michelle Wakin memorial after services.
Feb. 8 — Ladies Bible Study/Spokesman’s Club. Shortly after services.
Feb. 12 — Bible Study AM. Planned for 11:00 AM at the Hardesters. Lunch to follow.
Feb. 22 — Spokesman’s Club. Shortly after services.
Mar. 8 — Ladies Bible Study/Spokesman’s Club. Shortly after services.