
Dec. 27-29 — NW Family Weekend. At the Holiday Inn; Jantzen Beach [909 N. Hayden Island Drive Portland, Oregon 97217]. Planned Friday seminars at 3:30 and bible study 7pm, Sabbath services at 2pm. Bible studies at 10am and dance at 7pm. Sunday sports at Columbia River HS [800 NW 99th St, Vancouver, WA 98665] from 10-3:00pm followed by Pizza and games. Appreciate any help such as Friday setup of equipment. More information will be forthcoming.

Jan. 4 — Ladies Bible Study/Spokesman’s Club. Shortly after services, also Karaoke!


Speakers Schedule

Crew Schedule

Crew ScheduleNovember 30December 7December 14December 21December 28January 4January 11January 18January 25February 1February 8February 15February 22March 1March 8
Security Crew
Webcast Crew
Food Service CrewEva and ColtinPat and MarilynBrianne and LauraRuby and KheangNW WeekendKatie and SusanEva and Coltin Pst TD PotluckPat and MarilynBrianne and Laura
Closing CrewRod/Joe/BrianneMitch and BruceDoug and RobertWilliam and VincentNW WeekendDean and AaronRod and Joe and BrianneMitch and BruceDoug and RobertWilliam and VincentJerry and TristenDean and AaronRod and Joe and BrianneMitch and BruceDoug and Robert
Flower Crew
Special Music
Food Donations