The Tabernacle
The Tabernacle of ancient Israel during the time of Moses had carefully crafted objects and construction. Mr Sexton goes into some detail to explain the construction, features and proper use of this tent of meeting.
The Tabernacle of ancient Israel during the time of Moses had carefully crafted objects and construction. Mr Sexton goes into some detail to explain the construction, features and proper use of this tent of meeting.
God gives humanity time to so He can determine the true character of people. He is interested in who will be faithful to Him. God doesn’t ignore sinful actions, He wants to see the overall nature before He takes action. Mr Sexton explains why God doesn’t always act on human activities immediately.
Salvation and God’s Long Suffering Read More »
What is Truth? How does perception alter a view of truth? What are things that truth is not? How does relativism relate to truth? What is the ultimate truth? Mr Sexton discusses aspects of truth.
The Gnostics suppose themselves to be “in the know”. Gnostic ideas were present long before Christianity. Who are the Ascetics? Do you know about the dispensationalists? Mr Sexton covers the teachings of Gnosticism.
What was Jacobs pillar stone and how does it figure into the history of Israel and it’s present location. Mr Sexton follows the history of the rock and it’s relation to our Rock.
Mr Sexton wraps up the series on the journeys of the Apostle Paul. Paul visited many countries in Europe as well as the British Isles.
Journeys of Paul Part 3 Read More »
Mr Sexton continues his series on the Journeys of Paul. This edition describes the second Journey of the apostle.
Journeys of Paul Part 2 Read More »
Mr Sexton begins a series of the Journeys of the apostle Paul.
Journeys of Paul Part 1 Read More »